Call for paper for our third international conference: "Poetry, Music and Sound Art: Recent Medial Correlations"
15 August 2023
Photo: privat
The Call for Papers for our third international and interdisciplinary conference has just been published. The conference, which will take place in June 2024, examines the recent medial correlations between poetry, music and sound art. It will be organised into two tracks, reflecting the reciprocal relationship between poetry and sound/music. Track 1 explores musicality inherent to current poetry: the ways sound and music are present in poetic texts, be it as an organising principle (through rhythm, intonation or form), or as subject matter. Conversely, Track 2 is dedicated to the various musical or sonic settings of poetry in the digital age: from contemporary art songs, to rap and experimental spoken word, to poetic sound installations.
We welcome interdisciplinary contributions in German and English. The deadline for submissions is September 29, 2023. Here you can download the complete Call for Papers as a PDF file.