-> | “Odes To Miami”

Claudia Benthien. „Odes to Miami: Sociopoetic Practices in the Urban and Digital Space“. POEMA. Jahrbuch für Lyrikforschung / Annual for the Study of Lyric Poetry / La recherche annuelle en poésie lyrique 2 (2024): 101-122.

-> | “‘Be {B}{t}. Be poet’: Beatboxing as a Poetic Device”

Rebecka Dürr and Vadim Keylin. “‘Be {B}{t}. Be poet’: Beatboxing as a Poetic Device”. Literarische Organotechnik: Studien zu einer Diskurs- und Imaginationsgeschichte. Ed. by Lars Koch, Sarah Neelsen and Julia Prager. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2024: 239-255.

-> | “Die inszenierte Erfüllung des lyrischen Ich?”

Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Henrik Wehmeier: “Die inszenierte Erfüllung des lyrischen Ich? Epitexte der Instapoetry als Schwelle zwischen lyrischem Text, auktorialer Selbstinszenierung, Plattforminterface und Rezipierenden.“Irgendwo außerhalb des Buches”? – Über Formen und Funktionen auktorialer Epitexte im literarischen Feld der Gegenwart. Ed. by Nora Manz, Max Mayr and Anna Oberlacher. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2024: 295-326.

-> | Poetry Debates

The third Poetry Debates Series “Who Owns Poetry” was held in the fall 2023. In the fall 2024 the fourth series, “Poetry after Nature”, will take place.

-> | Conference SP2

The third conference “Poetry, Music and Sound Art: Recent Medial Correlations”, will be held on June 20-22, 2024.

-> | Workshop: Recent Approaches and Ongoing Research
Workshop PoetryDA

On April 4 and 5, Claudia Benthien invites members of the Research Advisory Boards and other scholars working in the field of contemporary poetry, media and performance to Hamburg for an informal talk and exchange with lectures and discussions on the occasion of the new book series Poetry in the Digital Age.


Research Project "Poetry in the Digital Age"
Institut für Germanistik / Institute for German Language and Literature
Von-Melle-Park 6, Postfach / P.O. box #15
D-20146 Hamburg