Lectures and presentations
Lectures and Key Notes
- Claudia Benthien. “Digitalität und Diskonnektivität in der Gegenwartslyrik [Digitality and Disconnectivity in Contemporary Poetry]”; Talk in the Colloquium of the Institute of German Studies at the University of Marburg (02/2025)
- Claudia Benthien. “Into the Black Box: Hypercommunication and Digital Infrastructures in Book Poetry”; Talk at the conference Digitality and the Public Sphere: Literature, Mediality, Practice of the DFG Research Training Group ‘Literature and the Public Sphere in Differentiated Contemporary Cultures’ at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen (09/2024)
- Claudia Benthien: “Gegenstandsbereiche und Forschungsansätze auditiver Lyrikformate im ERC-Projekt ‘Poetry in the Digital Age’ [Subject Areas and Research Approaches of Auditory Poetry Formats in the ERC project ‘Poetry in the Digital Age]”; talk at the final workshop of the BMBF project ‘textklang. Mixed-Methods-Analysen von Lyrik in Text und Ton’ at Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (01/2024)
- Claudia Benthien: “Digitalisierung und Entnetzung im Gedicht [Digitalization and Disconnectivity in Poetry]”; talk in the lecture series Digitale Literatur at the Institute for General and Comparative Literatur at Université de Fribourg, CH (12/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: “Odes to Miami: The Poetik Entanglement between Urban Space and Online Sites”; presentation at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: “Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge im medialen Spannungsfeld von Performance, Musik und Visueller Kultur [Poetry in the Digital Age: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Medial Field of Performance, Music and Visual Culture]”; keynote at the Viennese graduate students’ conference on German literature, hosted by Nachwuchsnetzwerk Neugermanistik, AT (05/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: “Das große Nichts. Juliane Lieberts 'Lieder' zwischen barocker Melancholie und postmoderner Popkultur [The Great Nothingness: Juliane Liebert’s ‚Songs‘ between Baroque Melancholy and Postmodern Pop Culture]”; talk at the conference “Barocke Gegenwartslyrik. Referenzen – Aneignungen – Aktualisierungen”, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (03/2023)
- Claudia Benthien and Norbert Gestring: “Public Poetry. Public Poetry. Lyric in Urban Space”; lecture at Æstetisk Seminar of the Institut for Communication and Culture, University of Aarhus, DK (11/2022)
- Claudia Benthien and Norbert Gestring: “Public Poetry. Lyrik im urbanen Raum [Public Poetry. The Lyric in Urban Space]”; lecture in the DFG-Research Group ‘Russischsprachige Lyrik in Transition: Poetische Formen des Umgangs mit Grenzen der Gattung, Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft zwischen Europa, Asien und Amerika’, Universität Trier (06/2021) > to the video
- Claudia Benthien: “Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge im medialen Spannungsfeld von Performance, Musik und Visueller Kultur [Poetry in the Digital Age: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Medial Field of Performance, Music and Visual Culture]”; lecture in the series “Interdisziplinarität II” of the research training group ‘Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses’, Universität Bonn (05/2021)
- Claudia Benthien: “'Wilde Vielfalt'. Monika Rinck und das Barock [Monika Rinck and the Baroque]”; lecture in the series “Barock der Gegenwart / Gegenwart des Barock. Neobarocke Verfahren in der zeitgenössischen Literatur”, Universität Marburg (03/2021) > to the video
- Rebecka Dürr. “‘Vocal Interactions’ – The Use of Voice in Spoken Word Duos”; talk at “2023 Aarhus International Conference on Voice Studies” at the Centre of Voice Studies, University of Aarhus, DK (08/2023)
- Rebecka Dürr: “Überlegungen zur sprech-sprachlichen Versiertheit im Rap – ein sprechkünstlerisches Moment [Reflections on Speech-Linguistic Versatility in Rap – a Speech-Artistic Moment]” at the conference “‘Gebt OG Keemo den Büchner-Preis!‘ Literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Deutschrap”, Universität Bamberg and Freie Universität Berlin (03/2023)
- Kira Henkel: “Zur musikalischen Spracharbeit in zeitgenössischen Liedkompositionen: Eres Holz ‚Sich einstellender Sinn‘ (2011)”; presentation at the conference "Poetry, Music and Sound Art: Recent Medial Constellations”, Universität Hamburg (6/2024)
- Anna Hofman: “Place-Making in Context: Discussing Poetry Film”; presentation at the (Post-)Doctoral Online-Colloquium “Transnational Jewish Film Histories: European Perspectives”, Konrad Wolf Film University of Babelsberg Berlin (03/2024)
- Anna Hofman: “Literature and Memory: Exploring Memory, Identity and Social Criticism in Jewish Third-Generation Poetry”; guest lecture within Seminar "Relevante Literaturwissenschaft”, University of Bremen (06/2024)
- Anna Hofman: “Third-Generation Poetry Films”; film screening and Discussion at the Symposium “Generation und Gegenwart: Aktuelle Jüdische Positionen in Kunst, Literatur und Publizistik” organized by the Central Council of Jews in Germany with the DFG-Network “3G. Positionen der dritten Generation nach Zweitem Weltkrieg und Shoah in Literatur und Künsten der Gegenwart”, Frankfurt a.M. (07/2024)
- Anna Hofman: “In Three: Intergenerational Memory and the Triptych (Poetry Film)”; presentation at the Workshop “Format im Wandel” within the scope of project EXC 2020 Temporal Communities, The Free University of Berlin (07/2024)
- Anna Hofman: “Reframing Contemporary Memory: Self-Positioning and Provocation as Mnemonic Itinerary in Third-Generation Poetry”; talk at the workshop “Spatio-Temporal Entanglements of European Memory Narratives in Contemporary Literature”, University of London Senate House (11/2023)
- Anna Hofman: “Traces of Intergenerational Trauma in Contemporary Poetry Film”; presentation at the conference “Trauma in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Challenges and Chances for Transformation”, UNIL/Université de Lausanne (10/2023)
- Anna Hofman: “Exploring Third-Generation Poetic Expressions: Communicating Memory and Displacement in Poetry Films ‘Triptych’ (2018) and ‘The Waltz’ (2022)”, presentation at the 12th EAJS Congress “Branching Out: Diversity of Jewish Studies”, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a.M. (07/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: “‘A Human Way to Talk’: Poetry and Synthetic Voice”; presentation at “2023 Aarhus International Conference on Voice Studies” at the Centre of Voice Studies, University of Aarhus, DK (08/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: “Who Raps? Lyric Subjectivity and Legal Personhood in the Case of FN Meka”; Presentation at the international conference “Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition”, NOVA University of Lisbon, PT (07/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: “(Post)Human Voices: Authenticity, Liveness and Synthesized Speech”; presentation at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: “I Sing the Mind Electric: Performing AI Poetry”; presentation at the international conference “Audioliterary Poetry between Performance and Mediatization”, Universität Hamburg (05/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: “On the Poetics of Listening Scores”; Presentation at the Conference “In Between and Across: New Directions, Mappings and Contact Zones” of the International Society for Intermediality Studies, Trinity College Dublin, IE (09/2022)
- Vadim Keylin: “Songs of the Digital Subject: TikTok Autotune Stories as an Audioliterary Form”; Presentation at the international conference “Vacancy of the Poet – 3”, Voronezh State University, RU (11/2021)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Poetry on Social Media & Its Multimodal Paratextualities”; presentation at the conference “#YouthMediaLife 2024. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Practices”, University of Vienna, AT (03/2024)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Social Media Poetries as Resistant Afroeuropean Practices”; talk at the conference “Afroeuropeans Conference 2022: Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities”, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE (09/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Henrik Wehmeier: “Die inszenierte Erfüllung des lyrischen Ich(s)? Epitextuelle Authentifizierungen von Instapoet:innen [The Enacted Fulfillment of the Lyrical I? Epitextual Authentications of Insta Poets]”; talk at the conference “'Irgendwo außerhalb des Buches'? Über Formen und Funktionen auktorialer Epitexte im literarischen Feld der Gegenwart”, University of Innsbruck, AT (09/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Political Visibilities and Intentional Aesthetics in Social Media Poetry”; talk at the conference “Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur / Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture”, Universität Hamburg (05/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Postmigrant Identities in Social Media Poetry”; presentation in the frame of the workshop “Kleine Formen – widerständige Formen? Postmigration intermedial”, Universität Hamburg (11/2021)
- Marc Matter: “Sprechende Überlagerungen. Über den kompositorischen Einsatz von Mehrspurtechnik in Sound Poetry [Speaking Superimpositions. On the Compositional Use of Multitrack Technology in Sound Poetry]”; lecture at the conference “Hör! Spiel! Kunst!”, Universität Münster (09/2023)
- Antje Schmidt: “Posthuman Entanglements in Contemporary Poetry“; lecture at the Center for Digital Humanities in cooperation with the Department of English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, US (2/2024).
- Antje Schmidt: “Who Creates the Landscape? Technocene Encounters between Humans, Machines and Nature in Digital Poetry“; presentation at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Wiebke Vorrath: “Source Code: nur Befehl oder ein Mehr an Bedeutung? Zur Ambiguität und Rezeption von Code Poetry [Soure Code: Mere Command or a Surplus of Meaning? On the Ambiguity and Reception of Code Poetry]”; talk at the 27th Deutscher Germanistentag 2022 “Mehrdeutigkeiten”, Universität Paderborn (09/2022)
- Wiebke Vorrath: “Unter der Oberfläche. Programmierte Schriftlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit als Programm in digitaler Lyrik [Under the Surface. Coded Textuality as a Programme/Concept in Digital Poetry]”; talk at the Online-Workshop “Schriftlichkeit. Aktivität, Agentialität und Aktanten", Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (06/2021)
- Henrik Wehmeier: „Mediale Anschlusslosigkeit? Streaming und Liveness aufgeführter Lyrik“; talk at the 37th Film- und medienwissenschaftlichen Kolloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt (3/2024)
- Henrik Wehmeier: „Verlust und Reichweite: Poetry Slam auf YouTube“; talk at the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, University of Bonn (9/2023)
- Clara Cosima Wolff: “Visuelle Mündlichkeit und lautlose Gedichte: Formen der Gebärdensprachkunst [Visual Orality and Soundless Poems: Forms of Sign Language Art]”; presentation at the conference “Audioliterary Poetry between Performance and Mediatization / Audioliterale Lyrik zwischen Performance und Mediatisierung”, Universität Hamburg (05/2023)
Presentations and Discussions
- Claudia Benthien: “Digitalisierung und Entnetzung in der Buchlyrik [Digitalization and Disconnectivity in Book Poetry]“; project presentation in the Austauschforum Literaturwissenschaft [exchange forum literary studies] at the Institute for German Language and Literatures (11/2024)
- Claudia Benthien: “Im Nicht-Ort: Gedichte im öffentlichen Nahverkehr am Beispiel des Projekts ‘Poetry in Motion’ in New York [In Non-Places: Poetry in Public Transport, Using the Example of the Project ‘Poetry in Motion’ in New York]”; guest talk in the seminar “Poetry in Motion. Reading US-American Lyric Texts Closely – a Hamburg-Bonn Joint Venture” of the Institute for American Studies, Universität Hamburg (05/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: “Förderung durch den Europäischen Forschungsrat: Das Beispiel 'Poetry in the Digital Age' [Funding through the European Research Council: By the Example of 'Poetry in the Digital Age']”; presentation on the occasion of a Senate reception of the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg for the inauguration of the ERC president Maria Leptin, Senate guesthouse, Hamburg (6/2022)
- Claudia Benthien: “Netzwerke der Lyrik(kritik) [Networks of Poetry(criticism)]”; Keynote lecture and panel discussion at a workshop on intermedial poetry criticism and social media of the Akademie für Lyrikkritik des Hauses für Poesie, Berlin (11/2021)
- Claudia Benthien: “Poesie und Medienkunst [Poetry and Media Art]”; presentation and discussion in the colloquium 'Neuere Forschungen der Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaften', Universität Tübingen (07/2021)
- Claudia Benthien: “Public Poetry: Encountering the Lyric in Urban Space”; summary and case study of the eponymous article, published in the volume “Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media” of Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik / International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies, in the DFG research group 'Russischsprachige Lyrik in Transition: Poetische Formen des Umgangs mit Grenzen der Gattung, Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft zwischen Europa, Asien und Amerika', Universität Trier (06/2021)
- Claudia Benthien and Norbert Gestring: “Poetische Installationen in der Stadt: Lyrik und öffentlicher Raum [Poetic Installations in the City: Poetry and Public Space]”; introductory talk to the eponymous event in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Die Politik der Poesie / The Politics of Poetry” at Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (10/2021) > to the video
- Claudia Benthien and Norbert Gestring: “Werkstattgespräch 'Public Poetry' mit Beispielen visueller Poesie im Stadtraum [Workshop Conversation 'Public Poetry' with Exampes of Visual Poetry in Urban Space]”; presentation and discussion at the summer school “Lyrik fürs Auge: Visualität(stheorie) in Gedichten vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart”, Université de Fribourg, CH (06/2021)
- Rebecka Dürr: “Voice and Rhythm: Performed Poetry between Rehearsed Speech and Liveness”; PhD-project presentation at the Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, University of Aarhus, DK (03/23)
- Rebecka Dürr: “Liveness und Mediatisierung [Liveness and Mediatization]”; introductory talk in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Poesie und Technologie / Poetry and Technology”, Katholische Akademie, Hamburg (05/23)
- Rebecka Dürr: “Zur sprechkünstlerischen Gestaltung von Live Lyrik [Performed Poetry between Rehearsed Speech and Liveness]”; poster presentation at the conference “Klären, Streiten, Argumentieren. Aktuelle Perspektiven der Argumentationsforschung”, Philipps University Marburg (10/23)
- Rebecka Dürr and Vadim Keylin: “'Beatboxing' in Lyrik-Darbietungen als Phänomen zwischen Sprechen und Singen ['Beatboxing' in Poetry Performances as Phenomenon between Speaking and Singing]”; Presentation in the lecture “Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter [Poery in the Digital Age]” (Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien), Universität Hamburg (01/2023)
- Rebecka Dürr: “'Eindruck macht Ausdruck'. Über die Grenzen des Hörens hinaus ['Impression makes Expression'. Beyond the Boundaries of Hearing]”; introductory presentation within the framework of the workshop “Enter Literature: Formen der Literaturpräsentation in Theorie und Praxis” organized by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective’, Freie Universität Berlin (10/2021)
- Kira Henkel: “Das Kunstlied im digitalen Zeitalter [The ‘Kunstlied’ in the Digital Age]”. Guest lecture in the lecture series “Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter [Poetry in the Digital Age]” (Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien), Universität Hamburg (12/2022)
- Kira Henkel: “The Composer on the Path of Self-Knowledge. Initial Reflections on the Function of Thematic Annotation Patterns in the Private Library of Luigi Nono”; presentation at the conference “‘Composers’ Libraries: Cultures of Reading, Sites of Creation”, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE (10/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Social Media Poetry in-between Activism and Platformization: Poetic ‘Community’ Spaces for Marginalized Voices?”; presentation and discussion in the seminar of Prof. Daniela Silva de Freitas, Universidade Federal de Alfenas/University of Alfenas, BR (12/2023)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: Teaching Session: “Analyzing Poetry in the Post-digital Condition: Netnography & instapoems”. Hosting of a session in the course “AR Poetry Off the Page” by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Julia Lajta-Novak, University of Vienna, AT (11/2023)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: Teaching session: “Multimodale Kinder- und Jugendlyrik: Instapoetry/Lyrik auf Instagram [Multimodal Children’s and Youth Poetry: Instapoetry/Lyric on Instagram]”. Hosting of a session in the course „Kinderlyrik [Children’s Poetry]“ (Dr. Philipp Schmerheim and Antje Schmidt) (06/2023)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Visualität in der Instapoetry [Visuality in Instapoetry]”; Presentation in the lecture "Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter [Poetry in the Digital Age]” (Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien), Universität Hamburg (01/2023)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Postmigrant Identities in Social Media Poetry”; presentation in the frame of the workshop “Kleine Formen – widerständige Formen? Postmigration intermedial”, Universität Hamburg (11/2021)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: Leading of a workshop on the method ‘Netnography’ and exchange with with the ERC project “Poetry Off the Page”, Universität Wien, AT (05/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: “Instagram, Twitter & Co: Poesie und gesellschaftspolitischer Aktivismus [Poetry and Socio-Political Activism]”; introductory talk to the eponymous event in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Die Politik der Poesie / [The Politics of Poetry”, at Literaturhaus Hamburg (11/2021) > to the video
- Marc Matter: “Elektroakustische Sound Poetry am Beispiel einer Arbeit von Dagmara Kraus [Electro-acoustic Sound Poetry in the Work of Dagmara Kraus]”; presentation in the lecture “Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter [Poetry in the Digital Age]” (Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien), Universität Hamburg (12/2022)
- Marc Matter: “Lyrik mit digitalen Medien gestalten [Composing Poetry with Digital Media]”; introductory talk to the eponymous event in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Poesie und Technologie / Poetry and Technology”, organized by the research project, at Nachtasyl (Thalia Theater), Hamburg (10/2022) > to the video
- Marc Matter und Florian Zeeh: “Could Change. Eine algorithmische Wortkomposition [An Algorithmic Word Composition]”; presentation on the workshop “Digital Humanities und Ästhetik: Analyse und Produktion ästhetischer Artefakte mit digitalen Verfahren” organized by the the research project ‘B6 – Merkmale ästhetischer Reflexionsfiguren: Systematische Annotation und quantitative Analyse’, Universität Tübingen (09/2022)
- Marc Matter and Ulla Stackmann: “Sound Poetry – Listening Session”; presentation at Galerie Oberfett, Hamburg (06/2022)
- Marc Matter: “Sound Poetry in the Digital Age. Materiality and New Media Technologies as Productive Tools in Word Compositions and experimental Spoken Word”; presentation and talk, in the Media Class, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel (01/2022)
- Marc Matter: “Fixiertes Sprechen als Aufführung: Akustische Literatur und elektroakustische Dichtung auf Speichermedien[Fixed Speech as Performance: Acoustic Literature and Electroacoustic Poetry on Storage Media]”; introductory presentation/dialogical panel in the frame of the workshop “Enter Literature: Formen der Literaturpräsentation in Theorie und Praxis” organized by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective’, Freie Universität Berlin (10/2021)
- Marc Matter: “Experimentelle Produktionsästhetiken digitaler Mündlichkeit [Experimental Production Aesthetics of Digital Orality]”; presentation with audio examples at the conference ‘eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft’, Panel ‘Hörbarkeit: mündlich’ [Audibility: oral]', of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021) > to the video
- Marc Matter and Andreas Bülhoff: “ɅV – A Sound Writing Tool. Eine plattenspielerische Wortkomposition [A Turntable Word Composition]”; contribution to the conference “Sprachliche und poetische Ökonomie: Ambiguität und kleine Formen”, organized by Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (05/2021)
- Antje Schmidt: „Nodal Narratives of the Deep Sea: Digital Infrastructures in Contemporary Poetry“; presentation at the Graduate Conference „Networked Narratives: Transcending Borders“, San Diego State University, US (3/2024)
- Antje Schmidt: „Deutschsprachige Lyrik im Technozän [German-language Poetry in the Technocene]“; presentation in the lecture series „Einführung in Liberal Arts & Sciences: Körper, Gesundheit, Gesellschaft. Leben im Anthropozän“ of the "Liberal Arts and Sciences" degree program, Universität Hamburg (12/2023)
- Antje Schmidt: „Posthumane Ökologien in der Gegenwartslyrik [Posthuman Ecologies in Contemporary Poetry]“; presentation in a session of the course „Pflanzen – Tiere – Menschen. Literarische Ökologien in Texten vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart“ by Felix Lempp, Universität Bern, CH (12/2023)
- Antje Schmidt: “Posthumane Perspektiven auf Mara-Daria Cojocarus Sonett ‘Tod einer jungen Königin‘ [Posthuman Perspectives on Mara-Daria Cojocaru’s Sonnet ‘Tod einer jungen Königin‘]”; short lecture and panel discussion on “Modellierungen von Geschlecht in mittelalterlicher und gegenwärtiger Lyrik” at the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, University of Munich (07/2023)
- Wiebke Vorrath: “Poetische Praxis in fünf Panels: zur Einführung [Poetic Practice in Five Panels: Introduction]”; introductory talk at the conference “eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft” of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021)
- Wiebke Vorrath: “Poetische Praxis: Mehr als Print [Poetic Practice: More than Print]”; panel discussion with Andreas Bülhoff and Jörg Piringer at the conference "eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft [one: to the other – A Dialogue Experiment Between Poetry and the Humanities]” of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021) > to the video
- Wiebke Vorrath: “On Functions and Effects of Algorithms and Source Code: Two Digital Poems”; online contribution to Panel 'Lyric in the Digital Era' at the conference “Open Windows on Lyric of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL)” at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE (06/2021)
- Henrik Wehmeier: “Poetische Praxis: Performativ [Poetic Practice: Performative]"; panel discussion with Alessandro de Francesco and Heike Fiedler at the conference “eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft” of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021) > to the video
- Henrik Wehmeier: „Intramediality, Intermedialty, and Transmediality in Howl”; presentation at the workshop „Adaptions of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl“ (Prof. Hans Kristian Strandstuen Rustad), University of Oslo (3/2023).
- Henrik Wehmeier: „Liveness und Mediatisierung. Poetry Slam als Live-Event und Aufzeichnung im Internet“; presentation in the lecture „Poesie im digitalen Zeitalter“ (Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien), Universität Hamburg (11/2022)
- Henrik Wehmeier: „Verlust und Reichweite: Poetry Slam auf YouTube“; presentation at the Austauschforum Literaturwissenschaft of the Universität Hamburg (12/23)
Panels and Moderations
- Claudia Benthien: Moderation of the panels “Poetic Address: The Apostrophe” und “Poetry Located in (Media) Landscapes: Between Attention and Destruction” at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: Introductions and moderations of two Poetry Debates “Poesie und Technologie / Poetry and Technology” at Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (12/2022) and Katholische Akademie Hamburg (05/2023)
- Claudia Benthien: Introductions and moderations of the four Poetry Debates “Die Politik der Poesie / The Politics of Poetry” at Warburg-Haus Hamburg, Literaturhaus Hamburg, Universität Hamburg and Katholische Akademie Hamburg (10-12/2021)
- Rebecka Dürr: Full day moderation of the thematic thread “Poetische Praxis [Poetic Practice]” at the conference “eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft” of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021)
- Kira Henkel: Introduction and moderation of the event “Lyrik und Musik [Poetry and Music]” in the series ‘Blackbox Poesie’ at Ledigenheim Hamburg (04/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: Moderation of the panel “Experimental Poetry” at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Vadim Keylin: Introductions and moderations of the two Poetry Debates “Poesie und Technologie / Poetry and Technology” at Nachtasyl (Thalia Theater) (10/2022) and Literaturhaus Hamburg (11/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Wiebke Vorrath: Introduction to the conference “Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur / Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture”, Universität Hamburg (05/2022)
- Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka: Full day moderation of the thematic thread “Poetische Praxis [Poetic Practice]” at the conference “eins: zum anderen – ein Gesprächsexperiment zwischen Lyrik und Wissenschaft” of the Netzwerk Lyrik, Munich (09/2021)
- Marc Matter und Clara Cosima Wolff: Introduction to the conference “Audioliterary Poetry between Performance and Mediatization / Audioliterale Lyrik zwischen Performance und Mediatisierung”, Universität Hamburg (05/2023)
- Antje Schmidt: Introduction and moderation of the event “Lyrics als Lyrik? Die poetische Qualität von Songtexten [Lyrics as Poetry? The Poetic Quality of Song Lyrics]” in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Wem gehört die Lyrik? / Who owns Poetry?” Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (10/2023) > to the video
- Antje Schmidt: Moderation of the panel “New Materialism” at the conference “Poetry. Experience. Attention” of the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Oslo Poetry Research Group, University of Oslo, NO (06/2023)
- Antje Schmidt: Moderation of the panel “Techno-Poetic Environments: Digital Processing and Posthuman Orality” at the conference “Audioliterary Poetry between Performance and Mediatization / Audioliterale Lyrik zwischen Performance und Mediatisierung”, Universität Hamburg (05/2023)
- Wiebke Vorrath: Introduction of the lecture performance “Optimising Code for Performance: Reading ./code –poetry” by the poet Chris Kerr at the conference “Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur”, Universität Hamburg (05/2022) > to the video
- Wiebke Vorrath: Introduction and moderation of the event “Poetic Installations in the City: Poetry and Public Space” in the frame of the Poetry Debates series “Die Politik der Poesie / The Politics of Poetry”, Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (10/2021) > to the video
- Henrik Wehmeier: Introductions and moderations of two Poetry Debates „Who owns poetry?“: „Who reads poetry? Accessibility and social functions of poetry“ (Katholische Akademie Hamburg, 10/2023) and „Poetry as a commodity? Popular poetry between commercialization and art“ (Universität Hamburg, 11/2023) > to the videos
- Henrik Wehmeier: Introduction and presentation at the workshop „Poetry Slam and Spoken Word in an Intercultural Perspective“ (Universität Hamburg, 12/2022)