The first three volumes of the new book series were published in fall 2023
23 November 2023
Photo: privat
The research project‘s book series, published by De Gruyter, is picking up speed: The first three volumes have already been published, in hardcover and open access!
Brief description of the book series: Today, poetry is often found outside the book: on the stage, in urban spaces, or on the internet, where poetic language is supplemented by musical or visual components or amplified in the poet’s performance, thus opening up new access to a genre that has often been considered abstract and elitist.
Central research questions of the series: Why is poetry so popular at present? What methods and theories must be developed to do justice to these new formats – like spoken word, digital poetry, and poems on social media? How do popular culture and "high culture" interact? What are the aesthetic, cultural, and political functions of creating, presenting, and disseminating poetic texts in various media? This interdisciplinary book series is devoted to contemporary poetry in all its facets, from works of popular culture to sophisticated art forms. It thus combines literary studies approaches with performance studies, media and film studies, sound studies, speech studies, and visual culture studies.
Vol 1
Claudia Benthien und Norbert Gestring: Public Poetry. Lyrik im urbanen Raum
Vol 2
Hans Kristian S. Rustad: Situating Scandinavian Poetry in the Computational Network Environment
Vol 3
Magdalena E. Korecka and Wiebke Vorrath (eds.): Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur