Prof. Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, PhD (SP2)
Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen is Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Culture at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. Her research interests fall within the fields of sound, literature, digital culture, reading, music, medialization, and phenomenological aspects of aesthetic experience. Furthermore, she focuses on the unique epistemological potential of sound with respect to how we sense and experience the world, and she has researched how sound is constituted and changed by the cultural discourses in which it is active. Stougaard Pedersen has explored this topic by looking at phenomena as diverse as twentieth-century literature and music (Virginia Woolf, Gunnar Björling, John Cage and Maurice Ravel), Danish rap music, poetry slam and digital audiobooks.
Together with Iben Have, she founded and edits the international, online journal SoundEffects. Since 2019 she has been the PI of the project “Reading Between Media – Developing and Encouraging Children’s Multisensorial Reading in a Digital Age”, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The manuscript of the project's forthcoming book, The Digital Reading Condition,
has recently been finalized (under review with Routledge).
Within the ERC-project, she is affiliated with sub-project 2: “Music(alization) and the Lyric: Recent Medial Correlations”. During her stay in Hamburg, she will be involved as a presenter in the project’s first conference “Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur / Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture“, which will take place from May 19-21, 2022.
Contact information:
Prof. Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen
University of Aarhus
School of Communication and Culture
Langelandsgade 139, 3.
DK - 8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +4530113386
E-Mail: birgittestougaard"AT"
May-June 2022:
Research Project “Poetry in the Digital Age”
Institut für Germanistik / Institute for German Language and Literature
Ueberseering 35, P.O. box #15
Room 08074
22297 Hamburg
E-Mail: poetry-digital-age"AT"